Due Nov 24
Environmental Registry of Ontario Postings:
Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes
Proposed Planning Act and Development Charges Act Changes
Proposed Ontario Heritage Act Changes
Proposed Conservation Authorities Act and Regulatory Changes
Proposed Natural Hazards Regulatory Changes
Proposed Inclusionary Zoning Regulatory Changes
Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units
Proposed Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions
Regulatory Registry Postings:
Proposed Municipal Act and City of Toronto Act Changes
Proposed Ontario Land Tribunal Act Changes
Proposed Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act Changes
Proposed New Home Construction Licensing Act Regulatory Changes
Proposed Building Code Regulatory Changes
The government is also undertaking a review of various housing and land use policies to identify and remove barriers to getting more homes built. We invite members of the public, municipal partners, and other stakeholders to share your thoughts and ideas on the following:
Provincial Policy Statement and A Place to Grow review proposal
Proposed Revocation of the Parkway Belt West Plan
Proposed Revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan
Conserving Ontario’s Natural Heritage
Ontario Wetland Evaluation System Proposal
Potential measures to support Rent-to-Own
The content and documents for this has been crowdsourced.
It is unknown who created the extremely helpful document with suggested wording.